Rakta mokshan Treatment
The term Raktamokshana is derived from the Sanskrit word “Rakta”, which means blood, and “Moksha”, which means liberation. This treatment involves a process where impure blood is released from one’s body. It is believed that India’s legendary surgeon Sushruta had massively contributed to this Ayurvedic treatment. Raktamokshana is an effective blood purification therapy that decreases an increased level of Pitha Dosha as well Vataa and Kapha also,. As a result, all this treatment relieves all Rakta(Blood)-related diseases.
Raktamokshan is generally of two types
In this process impure blood is removed from veins.
Jalauka avacharan (leech therapy)
Jaluka avacharan (leech therpy) In this impure blood is removed by medicinal leech.
- Useful in all types of skin disorders like eczema , psoriasis
- Useful in treatment of varicose veins, alopecia
- Useful in blood related joint pains