Eczema is a disease characterized by skin rashes that have redness, swelling, itching, dryness, and flaking. The skin itches and when scratched, results in a rash. In Ayurveda, this disease is known as Vicharchika. It occurs when the immune system becomes unbalanced, so the condition is often associated with other allergic conditions like allergic asthma, hay fever, etc. Genetic factors, debility, climate, and psychological factors can dispose one to the condition.
View of Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, Eczema or Vicharchika is caused due to a faulty diet and lifestyle, which leads to impairment of digestion and aggravation of Pitta Dosha (Ayurvedic humor representing Fire). Pitta manifests in the skin and causes accumulation of heating toxins known as ama. These toxins accumulate in body tissues, contaminating them at a deep level and causing Eczema. Use of local creams, antibiotics and steroids only mask the symptoms; they do not affect the root cause of this disease and that is the reason why this problem often reappears. Ayurveda recommends an individualized treatment plan for patients of Eczema, including proper diet and specialized herbal combinations. The line of treatment works on pacifying Pitta by enhancing the body’s digestion, as well as cleansing the body of accumulated toxins.
- Redness on skin
- Dry and flaky skin
- Rough and thickened skin
- Itchy blisters
- Itching
- Inflammation of skin
Advisable Panchakarma for Eczema
- Rakt mokshan
- Virechan