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Time : 10:30 am to 1:00 pm and 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm


Psoriasis is a non-contagious common skin condition that causes rapid skin cell reproduction resulting in red, dry patches of thickened skin. The dry flakes and skin scales are thought to result from the rapid buildup of skin cells. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp.

View of Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis appears due to imbalance of two doshas - Vata and Kapha . Vata and Kapha doshas manifest in the skin and cause accumulation of toxins. These toxins accumulate in deep tissues like rasa (nutrient plasma), rakta (blood), mansa (muscles), and lasika (lymphatic). These toxins cause contamination of deeper tissues, leading to Psoriasis.

Purification of blood and tissues is the primary aim of Ayurvedic treatment in cases of Psoriasis. Toxins are cleansed from the body and the digestion restored to prevent further accumulation. Nourishing herbs are then administered to strengthen and tone the tissues to promote complete healing of the skin.


  • Loose silvery scales
  • Itching or burning skin
  • Raised pus-filled skin bumps
  • Skin redness around pustules
  • Restricted joint motion
  • Emotional distress
  • Skin pain and inflamm ation
  • Skin blisters
  • Dry skin patches
  • Bleeding skin patches

Advisable Panchakarma for Psoriasis

  • Vaman
  • Virechan
  • Shirodhara
  • Abhyanga

Ready to Restore Harmony in Your Mind and Body? Consult our Ayurvedic Doctor

The aim of Ayurvedic medicine is to restore balance and harmony through a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of an individual’s life, herbal remedies, detoxification, meditation, and more.

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Our Happy Customer What says!

Ayurveda has gained popularity worldwide as an alternative and complementary system of medicine

I was suffering from psoriasis since 6 months. Took medicine from Vijay Kubawat for 3 months now is very good.



Highly recommended

My mother has Health issues like thyroid, diabetic ,but she she started treatment at Om Ayurved Hospital to consult Dr Vijay Kubawat for controlling of both, Now Result is good she is loose some weight also,

Dr.Vijay Kubavat And Dr.Kaushik Maru have Simple and good nature, always ready to listen problems nd they try to solve. i recommend to visit once if u r that type of health issues. thank you so much for your treatments.

Parth Prajapati


I have kidney stones number10-13 in past, so i started Treatment at Om Ayurved hospital to Dr. Vijay sir and results is good now i hve 1 or 2 stones, also started weight loss treatment and i loss 13kg.
I recommend to my friends to visit om Ayurved hospital in once, change your life

Kinjal Prajapati


I have visited this place few months back. I am really happy with the result of medicine given it to me. I would recommend it to everyone who is trying for baby. You will get the best result.

Priti Jain


My mom was suffering to back pain and calf pain because of varicose veins. So we goes to the Om Ayurved Hospital for the treatment. now days she is free from the pain. So Ayurved is best for us

Piyush Tadhani


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